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 REF: 729805

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There is
this world
that can
trouble you
your own



 REF: 729803

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Have you ever.

dream about jumping ? like Off a Cliff ?

At 3:30 am last night, the Almighty God had decided to grand me a pair of wings


I went and took a flight down a cliff of 10,000 meters deep.

After cautiously spreading these giant black wings, I gently lowered myself down the moonlit silver-blue wavering sea ; the airiest, most ethereal fall of my life. In that moment, between the delicate scent of the oceans air and vague angelic mermaids melodies echoing somewhere, I couldnt decide whether its heaven or earth I was at

then the chilliness of the crystals water settled on the tip of my toes

I immediately took off, flipped the wings around and flew straight right back up.. into a soft humming sounds of air conditionings room my bedroom, exactly where I started.

Where does that come from I dont know

But sometime ago, I recalled, on a cold rainy Saturday, a group of us 5 kids drove ourselves to Action Park, where we began our on foot journey up along a narrow and steeply slopes until we reached the edge of a cliff..
then while up there trying to gasp for fresh air, I noticed the guy standing close to the rocky edge has disappeared; then one after the other, the rest followed and just flew out of sign, screaming out loud as they went.

What was just happened? reluctantly I took a step closer and almost passed out: It must be on the floor 99th where I was standing at, cause from here, I cant barely see no alive jumpers down therethey all seem to disappeared behind those huge blasts of white foaming clouds .

No, Id rather die. I will not jump ! NEVER . EVER.

and guess what
Im sure till this day: this is exactly the reason why Im still dreaming about jumping..

Hey, lets check out this song

Theres only few more days until Halloween. Happy SPOOKY yall ! Im so ahead of myself but, only because, he shows up at my home, all alone, with a SHOVEL and a rose:
said you wanted me DEAD 🙄 ?!?!?!?!
Do You Think I'm a Joke 🤧 ?!?!?!?

No kidding !



 REF: 729784

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Cu 2:

Một hiệu trưởng bị tấn cng trong văn phng vo hm qua. Cảnh st thẩm vấn ba kẻ tnh nghi l thư k, nhn vin vệ sinh v một nữ sinh.

Thư k kể, c đến gặp hiệu trưởng để thng bo gio vin sinh học bị ốm đột xuất, khng tm được người dạy thay. C pht hiện hiệu trưởng nằm gục trn sn. Nhn vin vệ sinh cho biết hm qua c khng vo qut dọn văn phng hiệu trưởng. Nữ sinh ni c c buổi thực hnh giải phẫu ếch trong phng th nghiệm.

Ai l kẻ đng ngờ nhất?

Trả lời 1: C nữ sinh

V như khng tm được người dạy thay, th khng c giải phẫu con g được hết

Trả lời 2: Gio vin sinh học

Bị ốm đột xuất v l do tối qua vt dao đi tấn cng hiệu trưởng; chắc mệt đuối rồi ngủ qun lun chứ khng c ốm g đu 🤭

🧋🧋 tr sữa khng n ?



 REF: 729782

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V dầu cầu vng m đng đinh
anh sẽ đưa em đi dề dinh


cầu tre gập ghềnh m kh đi..kh đi anh sẽ dắc tay em du đi

DUI QU X từ đy m

.. hết ế ế 🙏

Kiệu dng ngựa anh khớp đn em dề dinh rồi c pho bay nổ tung trời cng xy giấc mơ ơ..năm sau anh quyết m lm giu, cho em sung sướng đến mai sau

đừng lo sng gi
chuyện g .

C Anh Lo ! 👍👍👍




 REF: 729781

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I will be chasing a 💫
Until the end of my life

Khng cần xy cầu nữa
Đi bằng tu thủy lun nh
Anh mua v cho em đi tu thủy một lần trong đời cho biết cảm gic như no ..Ill then be chasing a starlight from the root top of a ship ; while dazzling fireworks swallowing me up from the above

Hold me in your arms
I just want you to hold me in your arms..



 REF: 729704

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Chời ơi chời, c ao hồ nước chảy rc rch, chim ca lu lo, c lội tung tăng đy n .chết xỉu !

The video is 1 hour, 6 minutes , and 39 seconds long.. thats the length of time I was thinking about.. um. but 9 minutes ?

I guess thats all right



 REF: 729694

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Money cannot buy happiness but its more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.




 REF: 729693

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 REF: 729687

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Plums are in season !

Dont see it around very often that is these glossy chicken eggs size green plums are taken in the shape of the heart, with deep brown stems poking out from the hollow ends.

Im folding one onto the palm of my hand. It fits perfectly - A green heart.

Nothing ever tastes better

It tastes better than a thousand kisses deep..


the sheer sweetness of angel wings fairies floating atop a splendid field of never ending twinkling moonlight flowers - right around the earliest hours just before dawn

Im on my knees.

Only inches from the ground, forming a make-believe slingshot by circling the thumb and the middle finger together tightly: Im flicking onto a clutter of a tiny white bloom

It shots up like fireworks

Then started spreading: Kissing the closest petals , whispering messages into the ones near by ~~~ sending waves of SOS down the misty clouds of glimmering flowers.




 REF: 729686

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❤️❤️❤️ Love me gentle Love me long ❤️❤️❤️



 REF: 729685

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Hn một ci ?!
giống như hn con mo h

Hn người ta th phải hn su thật l su. v lu thật l lu >>> tnh ra l 1 lần / 100 ci

C qua c lại mới toại lng nhau



 REF: 729679

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Forever is a long, long time.

And time has a way

of changing things..


If you have to ask.



 REF: 729630

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Dạ đng rồi ah

Em biết ơn anh ngn đời cho đến kiếp sau lun lận

Cho em yu thương anh nhiều thiệt l nhiều đ mở hng topic cho em nha

Thật ra l em định tỏ lng biết ơn đến Ban Quản L NHỊP CẦU DUYN

Em định mỗi ngy tặng Bạn Quản L một bi nhạc.

Anh tặng cho em rồi, giờ em tặng lại cho người ..


Hn anh lun n !!!



 REF: 729628

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Go to Russia, see the Red Square
Lenin's body lying dead there
From Kyoto, Hiroshima
Watch the black cloud crawling nearer

There were riots in America
Just when things were getting better

All the things I've done and seen
Still, I don't know what life means

All the people living in, living in the world today
Reunited by our love, reunited by our pain


To Chicago, from Angola
So Paulo to Verona

And anywhere you go, you'll see
People are just like you and me

All the things that I've done and I've seen
Still I don't know, don't know what it means
To be humana real human being

I like to think about how we all look from afar
People driving fancy cars look like beetles to the stars
The missiles and the bombs sound like symphonies gone wrong

And if there is a God, they'll know why it's so hard

To be human




 REF: 729626

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Looks like we cant now. Were about to turn over to a fresh new page

Youve missed it !!!

Next time. like about in 10 days

Can you wait 😉😁 .



  K hiệu: : trang c nhn :chủ để đ đăng  : gởi thư  : thay đổi bi  : kiến


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