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Xem Hinh Thanh Vien

Date ngày Ghi Danh |
5/13/2016 2:33:05 AM |
Gender- Giới Tính |
Female (Female
= nu,
Male=nam) |
Marital status |
Single |
Year Năm Sinh |
1987 |
City TP |
Country Nước |
SD |
Height Cao |
5 Feet 8 Inches (173 cm) |
Weight Nặng |
145 lbs (66 kg) |
Religion Tôn Giáo |
Catholic |
Education Học-Vấn |
Current college student |
Occupation NN |
Drinking Uống Rượu |
Light Drinker |
Smoking Hút
thuốc |
Non-Smoker |
About me Giới
thiệu |
It is not always easy for one to Perfectly describe him or her self. But my closest friends and the people around me always say that i am: Honest, Caring, Optimistic, Easy going, Trust worthy. I like...
Looking T́m |
an intelligent and creative man interested in many things. ,nice honest and sincere , easy going, gentle, good-looking and lovely, especially great inner beau.. |
Bạn phải là
thành viên mới gởi thư được. Dịch vụ hoàn toàn miễn
phí |
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